Case Studies
Our customers use our products for a variety of jobs and projects, from repairing concrete holes in factory floors to painting ramps and walkways in schools. Here are some of our latest case studies from a small selection of customers. If you’d like to know more about how our products can be used in a specific environment, call us Technical Advisors on 1.855.627.6350 or email us at
Take a look at some of the fantastic projects our products have played a big role in:
Durable and Beautiful Flooring for Bike Storage at Midtown Cycle Vault
Safety Enhancements on Deck for Godalming College

Located in an underground car park The Midtown Cycle Vault provides Londoners with a high quality, secure space to store their bikes 24 hours a day. When they needed a long lasting, hardwearing floor coating Watco came up with the perfect solution.
Slippery decking was posing a large health and safety risk in a top UK college and where other products have failed, Watco's FRP Decking Strips met the challenge, providing a stylish finish and modern look for the college students to enjoy.
Creating Safety Walkways at a Bottled Water Company
Floor refurbishment at Knauf Group

The world's second largest producer of bottled water, was looking for industrial floor paints to renovate and maintain indoor walkways and create seamless traffic flows in its factories. Watco supplied professional, long lasting and easy to apply products.
Knauf are a leading producer of EPS technical and moulded parts, as well as packaging, made from foamed resins
Toyota GB PLC Head Office Deck Space
Coronation Gardens Beautification

Toyota GB Plc Head Office in Epsom, Surrey is the national sales and marketing company for Toyota and Lexus vehicles in the UK. They needed a Watco solution to make this huge working space even safer and Watco didn't let them down.
A unique project to transform a public area in Kidderminster, England with Watco Flowtop® and Anti Slip Traffic Paint.
Increasing Safety at Bordeaux Pier
Decking Prevents Slips & Falls at Boarding School

Piquey Gironde pier in Lege-Cap Ferret is located just outside Bordeaux France. Over time, the surface of the pier had become slippery and hazardous, making it imperative that the work was done straight away. As it was winter they needed a coating that would dry quickly, at low temperatures.
A boarding school student slipped and fell on a rainy day, staff wanted to prevent the accident from happening again and turned to Watco for a slip free solution to add to their wooden walkway.
Quick Setting Concrete for Nikolai Ishchuk Art Projects
Shower Room Floor Repairs at Pacific Garden Mission

A talented award-winning artist is looking for a quick setting, durable, non-porous alternative to concrete to create beautiful photosculptures
Pacific Garden Mission is the oldest continuously running mission in the United States, located in the heart of downtown Chicago. They were in need of an epoxy repair mortar that could help them fix their shower floors.
Bright New Hygienic Floors at Maranatha School
Quick and Easy Concrete Repairs at Alinabal Inc.

Maranatha School is located in San Diego, California. Over 10 years their bathroom floors began to fade. They needed a low VOC and high gloss finish to create a new updated look
Thirty years of harsh soaps had pitted and exposed the aggregate in concrete floors of a steel tumbler room. Alinbal Inc. wanted an easy to use and self-levelling, high-strength repair product, which cured rapidly.
Elevating Safety and Aesthetics at Northstar Systembuilt

This custom home builder needed to create new pathways around the shop production floor. Minimal downtime and an easy clean coating were imperative for this project.